How AI In Product Development Improves Decision Making

Posted By :Kajal Singh |31st March 2020


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is marking the beginning of this new era with technology-led ways to handle legacy business processes. One such typical business operation- product development, requires herculean efforts from planning to gathering resources, furnishing the final output. However, the pathway to successful product development is laden with execution, data, performance, and quality challenges. AI in product development is emerging as a panacea for cost, time, and performance challenges with data-driven insights and value generation. 


As an emerging AI Development Company, Oodles AI explores how product development with AI is breaking through benchmark results. 


What Is Product Development?


It is a step that involves understanding, designing, developing, and marketing to build a project. The goal of product development is to maintain and increase a business's market fulfilling consumer demand. Many Industries use AI to develop the product. one of the most popular examples is HealthCare. 


3 Major Applications of AI in Product Development


1. Planning:-  One of the most causes of project failure is poor project planning. Poor project planning means creating a chain to check the project which is wasted the time, budgets issue, and not submit the product with correct information. Planning is important when we build the project if planning is not good enough then we have to face issues. 


Artificial Intelligence makes it very easy. With machine learning development, AI provides a faster and reliable decision which is based on large amounts of stored information. It collects the correct information which reduces human error. When it makes the budgets it will take care of the predicting cost also. It monitors the project and schedules the changes as per the requirements.


Ex- Healthcare related planning Documents. In this sector, there are huge amounts of products and planning which take lots of time through the AI it is possible.



2. Resource Allocation:- Resouce planning is also an important part of project development whenever we create a new product we can not forget resource planning. One of the most important reasons for project failure is poor team management. To predict every potential outcome during the project build it makes it equally difficult to recruit, interview, train, and maintain not only the right staff but the correct level of bandwidth, too. Artificial Intelligence trains the machines to hire that person who has experience on a certain project which we want to create. 


3. Performance Monitoring:- In the Industry, we see that companies handle performance monitoring manually. Which is difficult to scale. AI train machines to recognize these things based on past experiences and publicly accessible data. If we passing a large amount of project data, the predictive capabilities become more powerful. and the other side also we can also recognize opportunities for continuous improvement. 



The conclusion is that In the Product Development process if we use AI then the Project development process will be more accurate in planning, the project will create faster with the correct and talented resources. It doesn't mean that machines replace people it basically the combination of both.

These are 3 main areas where AI affected positively.


About Author

Kajal Singh

Kajal is very sincere and hardworking. She is positive and a good team player.

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