NextJS Explained

Posted By :Neeraj kumar Goswami |27th April 2023

Next.js is a powerful React-based framework that enables developers to build server-rendered React applications with ease. It provides an easy-to-use development environment, automatic code splitting, and optimized performance out-of-the-box. In this blog, we will dive deep into the features and benefits of Next.js.

Server-Side Rendering One of the most significant benefits of using Next.js is its support for server-side rendering (SSR). SSR allows the initial page load to be rendered on the server, reducing the time it takes for the page to become interactive. This results in faster load times and improved SEO, as search engine crawlers can easily index the content.

Automatic Code Splitting Next.js automatically splits your code into smaller, more manageable chunks that can be loaded on demand. This means that only the code that is necessary for the current page is loaded, resulting in faster load times and a better user experience. Additionally, Next.js makes it easy to optimize your code for performance by providing tools to analyze and optimize your code.

Static Site Generation Next.js also supports static site generation (SSG), which pre-renders pages at build time. This means that the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for each page are generated ahead of time, rather than being generated on the fly when the page is requested. This leads to faster load times and lower server burden.

API Routes Next.js provides an easy way to create serverless API endpoints using its API Routes feature. This enables you to build serverless applications that can scale quickly and handle large volumes of traffic.

Easy Deployment Deploying Next.js applications is straightforward, as they can be deployed to any hosting platform that supports Node.js. Additionally, Next.js provides a built-in mechanism for deploying to popular platforms like Vercel and AWS.


Conclusion Next.js is a powerful framework that provides a range of features to help developers build fast, scalable, and optimized React applications. Its support for server-side rendering, automatic code splitting, and static site generation make it an ideal choice for building high-performance web applications. If you're a React developer looking for a framework that simplifies the development process and provides great performance out-of-the-box, then Next.js is definitely worth checking out.

About Author

Neeraj kumar Goswami

Neeraj Kumar Goswami is a skilled and experienced backend developer with 1.5 years of industry expertise. He possesses a deep understanding of the latest technologies, including React JS, Angular JS, AWS Lambda, Node JS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, and NoSQL databases. Neeraj has worked on various client projects namely Konfer, using the MEAN stack, Viztown Project , which was built on the MERN stack and BioGas Project, utilizing technologies such as Node JS, PostgreSQL, and AWS Lambda. He remains committed to constantly seeking new challenges and expanding his knowledge in latest technologies.

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